Living a Fruitful Life.

Living a fruitful life is not wishful thinking or unrealistic expectation for believers; it is a practical demonstration of God’s original design for His children (Genesis 1:28). As God’s chosen people we have been planted in His vineyard to bear fruit, ultimately for the blessings of the nations and God’s kingdom (1 Peter 2:9).
However, fruitfulness or blessedness of a man starts with his spiritual walking, standing and sitting with God and fellowship with those with ‘right’ standing with God (Psalms 1:1-6).

To God, every day of our lives counts because we are originally designed to manifest fruitfulness in all spheres of life. To manifest such life, it is essential to stay faithful to God.
In this second month of 2020, God presents us with two ways of life; one means blessedness, happiness, and fruitfulness, but the other means cursedness, unhappiness, and judgment. The choice is ours.

Fruitfulness is an individual choice, but to be fruitful, one must by faith obey the conditions; he must pursue the way of fruitfulness by loving God’s instruction and daily and regular meditation in His word (Psalms 1:2).
Psalms 1 carefully pointed us to the progression of compromise with evil-doing among Christians in the modern-day and the erosion of our good intentions.

More importantly, it emphasized the spiritual and physical blessedness in walking and sitting in the presence of the Lord.
As we go through February, I pray that God will sensitize us to areas of our lives showing signs of spiritual, ethical, or moral compromise and help us to rekindle our love for Him and His Kingdom’s value.
May our lives begin to manifest God’s fruitfulness in all areas and endeavors of life in Jesus’ name.

Welcome to your Year of Fruitful Harvest


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